Ausschreibung: Flughafengeräte - F-Paris
Dokument Nr...: 319639-2012 (ID: 2012100904125428741)
Veröffentlicht: 09.10.2012
  Auftragsbekanntmachung  Versorgungssektoren
    Richtlinie 2004/17/EG
    Abschnitt I: Auftraggeber
    I.1)  Name, Adressen und Kontaktstelle(n)
    Aéroports de Paris SA and Schiphol Nederland B. V.
    291 boulevard Raspail
    Kontaktstelle(n): Corporate procurement. For the attention of: Mr Peter
    Mustert and Mr Benoist Cardinal
    75675 Paris cedex 14
    Telefon: +33 786270068
    Hauptadresse des Auftraggebers:
    Weitere Auskünfte erteilen:
    Ausschreibungs- und ergänzende Unterlagen (einschließlich Unterlagen für
    ein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem) verschicken:
    Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge sind zu richten an:
    Abschnitt II: Auftragsgegenstand
    II.1)  Beschreibung
    II.1.6)  Gemeinsames Vokabular für öffentliche Aufträge (CPV)
    Angaben zu den Losen
    Los-Nr: 1
    Bezeichnung: Supplies of airfield signs for Aéroports de Paris
    1)	Kurze Beschreibung:
    Contract for several airfiel signs per year at different locations.
    2)  Gemeinsames Vokabular für öffentliche Aufträge (CPV)
    4)	Abweichung von der Vertragslaufzeit oder vom Beginn bzw. Ende des
    Laufzeit in Monaten: 60 (ab Auftragsvergabe)
    5)  Zusätzliche Angaben zu den Losen:
    The lots number 1 and number 2 will be evaluated together.
    The execution of each lot will be managed separately.
    The common document (tender manual, framework agreement,...) will be in
    In the lot number one, technical requierements, and price list could be in
    English language.
    All the documents to be received from the Candidates and Bidders must
    therefore be drawn up in English.
    The closing date for submission of quotations is the same for each lot.
    It is mandatory for Candidates to submit a tender for Lot 1 and Lot 2.
    Los-Nr: 2
    Bezeichnung: supplies of airfield signs for Schiphol Group
    1)	Kurze Beschreibung:
    Contract for several airfiel signs per year at different locations.
    Schiphol Nederland B.V. (SNBV) reserves the right to withdraw from this
    tender. Nor is SNBV under any obligation to enter into an agreement. In
    the event the contract will be awarded, Dutch law will be applicable.
    2)  Gemeinsames Vokabular für öffentliche Aufträge (CPV)
    4)	Abweichung von der Vertragslaufzeit oder vom Beginn bzw. Ende des
    Laufzeit in Monaten: 60 (ab Auftragsvergabe)
    5)  Zusätzliche Angaben zu den Losen:
    The lots number 1 and number 2 will be evaluated together.
    The execution of each lot will be managed separately.
    The common document (tender manual, framework agreement,...) will be in
    Technical requirements and price list could be in English language.
    All the documents to be received from the Candidates and Bidders must
    therefore be drawn up in English.
    The closing date for submission of quotations is the same for each lot.
    It is mandatory for Candidates to submit a tender for Lot 1 and Lot 2.
    Abschnitt IV: Verfahren
    IV.3)  Verwaltungsangaben
    IV.3.3)  Bedingungen für den Erhalt von Ausschreibungs- und ergänzenden
    Unterlagen (außer DBS)
    IV.3.4)  Schlusstermin für den Eingang der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge
    31.10.2012 - 12:00
    IV.3.5)  Sprache(n), in der (denen) Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge
    verfasst werden können
    Englisch. Französisch. Niederländisch.
    Sonstige: The common documents (tender manual, framework agreement,...)
    will be in English. The specific documents (further agreement, the
    technical specifications and the price list) could be in English. The
    request for candidates and proposals/ quotations of participants will be
    drawn up in English.
OT: Contract notice  utilities
    Directive 2004/17/EC
    Section I: Contracting entity
    I.1)  Name, addresses and contact point(s)
    Aéroports de Paris SA and Schiphol Nederland B. V.
    291 boulevard Raspail
    Contact point(s): Corporate procurement. For the attention of: Mr Peter
    Mustert and Mr Benoist Cardinal
    75675 Paris cedex 14
    Telephone: +33 786270068
    Internet address(es):
    General address of the contracting entity:
    Further information can be obtained from:
    Internet address:
    Specifications and additional documents (including documents for a dynamic
    purchasing system) can be obtained from:
    Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to:
    Internet address:
    I.2)  Main activity
    Airport-related activities
    Section II: Object of the contract
    II.1)  Description
    II.1.1)  Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity:
    Framework agreement in regards Supply of airfield signs to be put up a
    longside runways and associated taxiways at Aeroports de Paris (AdP) and
    Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AAS).
    II.1.2)  Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of
    Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance:
    Schiphol, the Netherlands and/ or Aeroports de Paris, France.
    NUTS code FR10
    II.1.3)  Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a
    dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
    The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement
    II.1.4)  Information on framework agreement
    Framework agreement with a single operator
    Duration of the framework agreement
    Duration in years: 5
    Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the
    framework agreement
    Frequency and value of the contracts to be awarded: Contract for several
    airfield signs per year at different locations.
    II.1.5)  Short description of the contract or purchase(s):
    Contract for several airfield signs per year at different locations.
    It is mandatory for Candidates to submit a tender for Lot 1 and Lot 2.
    Lot 1: supplies of airfield signs for Aéroports de Paris;
    Lot 2: supplies supplies of airfield signs for Schiphol Group.
    II.1.6)  Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
    II.1.7)  Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
    The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
    II.1.8)  Information about lots
    This contract is divided into lots: yes
    Tenders may be submitted for all lots
    II.1.9)  Information about variants
    Variants will be accepted: yes
    II.2)  Quantity or scope of the contract
    II.2.1)  Total quantity or scope:
    Contract for several airfield signs per year at different locations.
    II.2.2)  Information about options
    Options: no
    II.3)  Duration of the contract or time limit for completion
    Duration in months: 60 (from the award of the contract)
    Information about lots
    Lot No: 1
    Lot title: Supplies of airfield signs for Aéroports de Paris
    1)	Short description:
    Contract for several airfiel signs per year at different locations.
    2)	Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
    4)	Indication about different date for duration of contract or
    Duration in months: 60 (from the award of the contract)
    5)	Additional information about lots:
    The lots number 1 and number 2 will be evaluated together.
    The execution of each lot will be managed separately.
    The common document (tender manual, framework agreement,...) will be in
    In the lot number one, technical requierements, and price list could be in
    English language.
    All the documents to be received from the Candidates and Bidders must
    therefore be drawn up in English.
    The closing date for submission of quotations is the same for each lot.
    It is mandatory for Candidates to submit a tender for Lot 1 and Lot 2.
    Lot No: 2
    Lot title: supplies of airfield signs for Schiphol Group
    1)	Short description:
    Contract for several airfiel signs per year at different locations.
    Schiphol Nederland B.V. (SNBV) reserves the right to withdraw from this
    tender. Nor is SNBV under any obligation to enter into an agreement. In
    the event the contract will be awarded, Dutch law will be applicable.
    2)	Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
    4)	Indication about different date for duration of contract or
    Duration in months: 60 (from the award of the contract)
    5)	Additional information about lots:
    The lots number 1 and number 2 will be evaluated together.
    The execution of each lot will be managed separately.
    The common document (tender manual, framework agreement,...) will be in
    Technical requirements and price list could be in English language.
    All the documents to be received from the Candidates and Bidders must
    therefore be drawn up in English.
    The closing date for submission of quotations is the same for each lot.
    It is mandatory for Candidates to submit a tender for Lot 1 and Lot 2.
    Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
    III.1)  Conditions relating to the contract
    III.1.3)  Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to
    whom the contract is to be awarded:
    The grouping of economic operators must be joint and several.
    III.1.4)  Other particular conditions:
    The performance of the contract is subject to particular conditions: no
    III.2)  Conditions for participation
    III.2.1)  Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements
    relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
    Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements
    are met: Please to pass on your document establishing your inscription.
    III.2.2)  Economic and financial ability
    Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements
    are met: Please download the company profile file and complete it to
    appreciate your financial capacity.
    III.2.3)  Technical capacity
    Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements
    are met: Please download the company profile file and complete it to
    appreciate your technical capacity.
    III.3)  Conditions specific to services contracts
    III.3.1)  Information about a particular profession
    Execution of the service is reserved to a particular profession: no
    III.3.2)  Staff responsible for the execution of the service
    Legal persons should indicate the names and professional qualifications of
    the staff responsible for the execution of the service: no
    Section IV: Procedure
    IV.1)  Type of procedure
    IV.1.1)  Type of procedure
    Some candidates have already been selected (if appropriate under certain
    types of negotiated procedures): no
    IV.2)  Award criteria
    IV.2.1)  Award criteria
    The most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated
    in the specifications or in the invitation to tender or to negotiate
    IV.2.2)  Information about electronic auction
    An electronic auction will be used: no
    IV.3)  Administrative information
    IV.3.1)  File reference number attributed by the contracting entity:
    IV.3.2)  Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
    IV.3.3)  Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents
    (except for a DPS)
    Payable documents: no
    IV.3.4)  Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
    31.10.2012 - 12:00
    IV.3.5)  Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be
    drawn up
    English. French. Dutch.
    Other: The common documents (tender manual, framework agreement,...) will
    be in English. The specific documents (further agreement, the technical
    specifications and the price list) could be in English. The request for
    candidates and proposals/ quotations of participants will be drawn up in
    IV.3.7)  Conditions for opening tenders
    Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders: no
    Section VI: Complementary information
    VI.1)  Information about recurrence
    This is a recurrent procurement: no
    VI.2)  Information about European Union funds
    The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European
    Union funds: no
    VI.3)  Additional information:
    Registering interest.
    Interested suppliers are required to submit the information requested by
    uploading responses to as follows:
    Instructions for registering interest.
    Interested suppliers must register their company and contact profile by
    clicking on the link for this notice on the "View Contract Notice" menu of
    the web site and by following the instructions below:
    First, interested suppliers who are not already registered on tendersmart
    must register their company profile via "Supplier Zone > New Supplier"
    menu. Suppliers already registered on tendersmart can go direct to the
    second step.
    Second, all interested suppliers must access this Notice via the "View
    Contract Notices" menu to express interest by following the online
    instructions and uploading the requested information before the indicated
    deadline (see Section IV paragraph 3.4). Further information. To evaluate
    their suitability, interested suppliers, when responding to this notice
    are requested to provide information which demonstrates their ability to
    comply with the award criteria. (Failure to do so will result in their
    request being rejected). Schiphol Nederland B.V. and Aéroports de Paris SA
    do not bind itself to accept any proposal. In evaluating their
    suitability, suppliers may be further requested to provide to Schiphol
    Nederland B.V. and Aéroports de Paris SA additional information e.g.
    further written submissions, presentations, reference visits/inquiries
    and/or attend an interview.
    As documentation associated with this process will be made available and
    exchanged via interested suppliers are required to
    register on the site. Registering interest in this project does not
    guarantee inclusion of the party on the tender enquiry list. There is no
    cost associated with registration and expression of interest at this time.
    Please ensure responses are concise and overall less than 10MB. Your
    document should be uploaded as a single PDF or Word document as mentioned
    in the checklist on to For further information
    on registration or other aspects of tendersmart please contact: Frédéric
    Garat:; +33 141900430.
    Schiphol Nederland B.V. and Aéroports de Paris SA reserve the right to
    disqualify any candidate who provides information or confirmation which
    later proves to be untrue or incorrect or does not supply information when
    The request to participate must be drawn up in English otherwise the
    candidate will be eliminated.
    Every contracting entity (Schipol Group or Aeroports de Paris) can give up
    the tender. In that case, the other contracting entity will pursue the
    consultation for its account and its only needs.
    If Aeroports de Paris decides to withdraw from this tender and Schiphol
    Groups decides to pursue this tender, Dutch law will apply to this tender.
    VI.4)  Procedures for appeal
    VI.4.1)  Body responsible for appeal procedures
    Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris
    4 boulevard du Palais
    75001 Paris
    VI.4.2)  Lodging of appeals
    Precise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals: An appeal can be
    exercised from the beginning of the procurement procedure until the
    signing of the contract (Article 5 of the ordinance of 7.5.2009). An other
    recourse can be exercised after the signing of the contract (section 11 of
    the Ordinance of 7.5.2009). Finally, There is an appeal in order to get
    the cancelling of the contract (relative one: 5 years; absolute one: 30
    VI.5)  Date of dispatch of this notice:
             Database Operation & Alert Service (icc-hofmann) for:
       The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
                The Federal Office of Foreign Trade Information
 Phone: +49 6082-910101, Fax: +49 6082-910200, URL: